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Undergraduate Research

Motivated undergraduates can work in the lab either for credit or through established programs. Prof. Boettcher is also happy to pay undergraduate researchers on an hourly basis after they demonstrate the ability to contribute significantly to a research project.

To be considered send (1) cover letter, (2) curriculum vitae, and (3) an unofficial transcript to

If you are working on a volunteer basis you need to fill out this form.

You should also read this excellent Guide to Mentoring Undergraduates.

If you are a UO undergraduate, you should consider applying to the following programs for research funding:

Undergraduate Research Fellowships at UO

McNair Fellowship Program

Undergraduates from other Universities should consider applying to the Undergraduate research programs at the University of Oregon:

REU Oregon

Undergraduates may also consider research internships at outside universities. Some excellent opportunities (among many others) are listed here:

NSF Funded REU Sites

SURF – Caltech – Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) program

CCMR REU Program – Cornell Center for Materials Research REU program